Prayer & Encouragement

Helping kids find God in the wonder of his creation

May 19, 2023 • 4 min
Helping kids find God in the wonder of his creation

“The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the works of his hands” (Psalm 19:1 NIV).

“What is the point of sunsets?” asked my daughter, basking in the pinky-orange glow one stunning evening. As our conversation continued, we agreed sunsets served only two purposes: to be enjoyed, and to point us to the incredible God who created them. Assuming sunsets were no accident, we decided maybe they were a gift from God to the human eye and soul. To my daughter, (who at that time would have noted “sunset” as her favorite color), this fit her understanding of a good God and a remarkable Creator. 

Creation reflects God’s character

When we look at God’s creation, it helps us understand who he is and what he is like. The fierceness of a storm reminds us of God’s power, the perfect patterns on a tiny ladybug show us God is always in the details, and the vastness of the universe echoes God’s timeless and constant presence. 

In Romans 1:20 the apostle Paul said, “Ever since the world was created it has been possible to see the qualities of God that are not seen. I’m talking about his eternal power and about the fact that he is God. Those things can be seen in what he has made” (NIrV). God is introducing himself to us through what he has made! So creation can be a visible way of helping children get to know an invisible God.

But how do you move beyond just enjoying nature with your family and actually connect with nature’s Creator? Here are three tips.

1. Be intentional. Point to the Creator, don’t just admire the creation. 

At an art exhibition, the artist is always given credit for what they have created. And when a young child shows you their unrecognizable freestyle Lego build or their latest collage dripping with hot pink glitter, you don’t just focus on the item they have made. You also praise them and say “well done” to the little artist. “Great work. You chose beautiful colors. I can tell you put a lot of time into this.”

We should also praise God and give him credit for the beauty of his creation. It’s a subtle mind shift, but one that lifts our awe heavenward to our imaginative and powerful God. Make it normal conversation with your kids to not just be  about creation, but the Creator.  

2. Promote wonder and prompt questions. 

A camping trip, a nature walk in the local park, and even your backyard can be great places to explore creation and start conversations.

“I wonder why the bees seem so busy in the springtime?” 

“Isn’t it amazing these trees are growing their leaves back after winter? Again!” 

“Why do you think God created mosquitoes?” 

These conversations can be moments of gold. Sometimes you won’t know or be able to find the answer to a child’s questions about animals or science or God. That’s okay. Point them to the Bible—to what we do know about God. Lead those questions back to the Creator and what he is like. The truth is, we can’t fully comprehend God, but we can instill a love of learning more about him in our children. (I don’t really understand why God created mosquitoes either, but I know God always has a plan, so he must have a reason!)

3. Encourage a response to what you’ve seen. 

Be awed. Be impressed by what God has made. Be curious. Be thankful. And share it with your children.

Our loving God made a beautiful planet for his most beloved creation—people. He gave us sensory receptors to appreciate what he has made. He gave us hearts to respond to him. One way of encouraging children to respond to God is to keep a family prayer journal.  

This could be once a week or every night or during the holidays. Have everyone in the family share something to pray for under these simple categories: 

• Please, God 

• Thanks, God

• Sorry, God

• Wow, God 

In case it’s not obvious, “Wow, God” is a praise category—and creation can be a great place to start. Encourage kids to think of who God is based on what they’ve seen. Here’s a real one from a Sunday school class: “Wow, God, you’re big! The stars.”

Next time you are amazed by the beauty of a sunset, the detailed skill in a woven bird’s nest, or the changes in the seasons, remember it was God who did that. We can find out what he is like through what he has made.

Consider a few extra resources:

About the Author:

Simona Piscioneri

Simona Piscioneri is the author of All About Bible Animals, a fun and fascinating book bursting with colorful photography and facts about Bible animals for children 7+ years. Simona is wife to Dominic and mother to two adult daughters. She has studied Fine Arts and Education, and works as the Kids' Ministries Leader at her home church in Devonport, Tasmania.

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