Counselor & Therapist

Counseling Conversations | Parenting in a Pandemic

May 6, 2020 • 0 min

Just as much as we are processing all that is going on in the world, they are processing too. Here’s the question, how can I help my kids process the pandemic? Eliza Huie helps us to have meaningful conversations with our kids.
About the Author:

Eliza Huie

Eliza Huie (MA, LCPC) is the author of Count Yourself Calm, a book that teaches kids to focus their attention on God and helps them manage their emotions. Eliza Huie is the director of counseling at McLean Bible Church located in the Washington D.C. metro area. She is also dean of biblical counseling for Metro Baltimore Seminary in Maryland and the author of several books, including Raising Emotionally Healthy Kids.

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