Fifty prayers for your teenage daughter – Become your daughter’s prayer warrior
Teenage girls are hungry for comfort and reassurance. When I speak to a group, I hear it in their voices and see it in their eyes, a look of searching and a longing to make sense of life. They want an anchor. They need a rock they can count on. In a season when everything in their life constantly changes—their feelings, moods, bodies, relationships, and circumstances—they crave security.
This is where God comes in. This is where we can tell them that people and life are always subject to change, but God isn’t. He is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. He pursues them relentlessly and yearns for a relationship. They can lose everything they love on earth, but they can’t lose His love. God is the security they’re searching for, the anchor for their soul, the One who saves them through Jesus.
Psalm 127:4 says children are like arrows in the hands of a warrior. As parents, we shape our arrows and send them into the future. We decide where to aim. The goal is to launch Christ followers, to raise girls who know their purpose and will influence their generation and the following generations for Him. God can use our daughters in ways that outlive our time on earth, and when we stay mindful of this, we find extra motivation to impact tomorrow through our parenting and prayers today. Here are prayers to say as your daughter’s prayer warrior.
Fifty Prayers for Your Teenage Daughter
- Pray for her to be a light—and for God’s armor to protect her.
- Pray for her heart to be like Jesus’ heart.
- Pray for wise counsel, healthy-minded friends, and godly advisors.
- Pray for God to protect her physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.
- Pray for her health.
- Pray for your daughter to have the courage to do what she needs to do.
- Pray for God to cultivate in her the heart of a warrior.
- Pray for the passions and gifts that will help her carry out her calling.
- Pray for a vibrant relationship with Christ, a heart on fire for Him.
- Pray for her to seek God’s approval over human approval, living for her audience of One.
- Pray for the Lord to be with her and in her. Pray for her to have a deep awareness of His presence.
- Pray for sensitivity to the Holy Spirit’s nudgings.
- Pray for great friends and strong, healthy relationships.
- Pray for her friends and most trusted circle.
- Pray for light to find light, especially as friend groups shift.
- Pray for unhealthy relationships to be short-lived and to teach her lessons about better choices in the future.
- Pray for her college roommates and future boyfriends. Ask God to bring positive influences into her life.
- Pray for strong mentors, teachers, coaches, and encouragers who recognize her potential, cultivate her gifts, and help her achieve her goals.
- Pray for role models to help her see who she wants to be.
- Pray for her future husband (if marriage is in God’s will).
- Pray for a man who loves the Lord first and her second.
- Pray for protection over him, especially against temptation.
- Pray for a strong conscience shaped by the Holy Spirit.
- Pray for conviction from the Holy Spirit.
- Pray for her to seek help when she feels troubled or ashamed.
- Pray for her guardian angel to protect her.
- Pray for spiritual discernment and a radar for truth.
- Pray for doors to close if an opportunity isn’t from God.
- Pray for the thwarting of any evil planned or plotted against her.
- Pray for her to trust her gut instincts.
- Pray for escapes from dark situations.
- Pray for a heightened awareness of God’s mercy.
- Pray for her to extend God’s grace and forgive those who have wronged her.
- Pray for her to stand on God’s promises, especially as she finds herself on shaky ground.
- Pray for her small mistakes to come to light so they don’t evolve into bigger mistakes.
- Pray for God to reveal Himself as He pursues her, rescues her, and meets her where she is.
- Pray for her to own her faith and stand firm in her convictions.
- Pray for any seeds you plant now to take root at a time most opportune to her salvation.
- Pray for humility, resilience, strength, stamina, a strong work ethic, courage, confidence, wisdom, clarity, fortitude, patience, perseverance, peace, and self-control.
- Pray for her to use technology responsibly.
- Pray for a thick skin and a tender heart, the ability to handle hard realities without letting them harden her.
- Pray for a grateful spirit.
- Pray for obedience to God.
- Pray for God to bless the choices that honor Him.
- Pray for her to become a good steward of her pain, sharing her testimony to help others.
- Pray for new beginnings.
- Pray for good career choices and strong mentors.
- Pray for the souls she will impact and influence.
- Pray for patience with God’s plan.
- Pray for her to live bravely and boldly for Jesus.
- Pray for her to love the Lord with all her heart, mind, and soul.
- Pray for her to finish strong and serve her purpose here on earth.
Excerpt from Love Her Well by Kari Kampakis, you can purchase the book here.
For more ideas on how to raise confident daughters, check out our age specific courses, Helping Moms Raise Confident Daughters
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