Who’s in Charge of a World that Suffers? Trusting God in Difficult Circumstances
We see so many emotional and psychological sufferings among young people today. The current generation may face greater pressures than any other generation in modern times. Academically, students compete at the undergraduate level for elite positions in graduate school. One has to be incredibly strong to compete.
Many students find themselves in the midst of preparing for a future in a particular career only to face a declining job market.
The cost of education is increasing, forcing many students to bear the responsibility of working while they are at school.
By and large, in recent decades our society has discouraged our youth from looking to God for help. Without God as a source of guidance and strength, youth have turned to escapism through drugs, which has created new and deep-seated problems.
Insecurities can be crippling. We have fears that plague us and keep us from stepping out on new adventures and striving after new accomplishments. Often we hesitate to be aggressive in situations because we fear failure. There may be a job to do, but we do not feel adequate or qualified. Or we feel that we cannot do as good a job as our predecessor.
How would you feel stepping into the shoes of Moses, that man of miracles whom God chose to lead the Hebrew people out of Egyptian bondage? Apparently Joshua, Moses’ well-trained apprentice who was to lead the Israelites into the Promised Land, experienced a great sense of insecurity. During one particular “pep talk” with the new leader, God had to tell him three times not to be afraid. And the third time, God explained why Joshua could begin his new responsibilities with confidence:
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. (Josh. 1:9)
God promised His presence.
And where God is, there also we find His peace and His power—a power which enables us to rise above discouragement and which leads us through the defeats in life. God can even use our disappointments to bring good into our lives. God does not call us to be successful, but to be obedient.
We must remember that we are weak vessels, through whom God can channel His power to accomplish His purposes. As one conference speaker is often heard saying, “God, I can’t; but you can, so let’s go!”
Emotional and psychological problems can result from things that come into our lives. But we can also be crippled by those things which do not come into our lives.
Some people are emotionally disabled because of an absence of love in their lives—particularly in their childhood. Those who have not received love in their early life find it difficult to give love later on.
Nevertheless, regardless of how twisted and disordered our lives may be, God is able to bring us peace and He can put the pattern back into our lives.
Taken from “Who’s in Charge of a World that Suffers?” © 2020 The Billy Graham Literary Trust. Original edition: Till Armageddon Copyright © 1981 by Billy Graham. Used with permission from Thomas Nelson www.thomasnelson.com