Our mission at Christian Parenting is to encourage parents in their faith and equip them with the tools they need to confidently raise the next generation of culture-changing Christians.
We believe that this is possible, together! As a donor funded ministry, we rely on generous donors like you to make the resources we provide available to millions of parents worldwide. Please prayerfully consider giving your best gift today so more families can be transformed by God’s truth.
One mom named Christy has found our resources to be an essential tool in her parenting:
I LOVE all the podcasts and resources that Christian parenting is producing. It truly is an answer to prayer to have God’s truth shared through the various platforms.
With your support, more parents like Christy can receive the practical resources and spiritual encouragement they need to instill biblical values, nurture character, and foster a deep relationship with God in their children.
Every dollar you give today makes Christian Parenting’s mission possible, and we are beyond grateful.
*If you choose to make a gift in memory of or in honor of someone, you are permitting us to provide the recipient with your contact information (name, email, phone number, and physical address). If you do not wish to share this information, please make a note in the “Your Message to the Recipient” box.