When my friend, Greta Eskridge, told me she was working on a book called, Its Time to Talk to Your Kids about P*rn, I told her Id be her biggest fan. Ive been waiting for someone I trust to cover this topic, and wow Greta did an outstanding job! Today on the podcast Greta gives us a sneak peek into her story, and offers practical advice from the work she has done on this topic.
In this conversation, Greta tells us the difficult story of how she became an unexpected p*rn fighter, and what her journey has taught her. We talk about the complexity of this issue, and Greta offers advice to parents of young and older children. We talk about the importance of computer filters, but also the false confidence they can provide. And I share how I have passed the accountability baton on to my older sons, while still checking in on them regularly.
This is powerful conversation I hope EVERY parent can tune into. Please spread the word to your friends about it, and head over to show notes for links to Gretas amazing new book, and everything else we talked about!
Find all show notes:www.monicaswanson.com/podcast
Looking for new science or math homeschool curriculum? All my boys have usedDIVE/Shormann Math for Bible-based, short-but-thorough science and mathlessons, through the AP level! Your kids will love Dr. Shormanns short, well-put-together lessons, and Shormanns Algebra 1 and 2 classes will equip your kids for the PSAT, SAT, and ACT with over 200 practice qustions! Go to diveintomath.com to learn more!
The Monica Swanson Podcast is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. To findpractical and spiritual resources to help you grow into the parent you want to be, visitwww.christianparenting.org
Our Sponsors:* Check out BetterHelp: https://betterhelp.com/SWANSON
* Check out Factor: https://factormeals.com/factorpodcast
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One of my greatest privileges as an author has been to get to visit Focus on the Family in Colorado Springs (twice!) for a radio and podcast interview. Touring the facility, learning more about all of the amazing family-building ministries at work, and being interviewed by Jim Daly only deepened my respect for Focus on the Family!
I was sent home from my last interview with a little goodie bag, including the book: Finding Home by Jim Daly. I knew Jim had a grown up with many difficulties, so I started reading the book on my flight home. And I couldnt put the book down. As soon as I finished I reached out to Jim to ask if we could swap seats and I could interview HIM for my podcast!
I hope you enjoy getting to know Jim in a more personal way, hearing some of his childhood story, and learning about what led to him becoming President of Focus on the Family. Jim has encouragement for everyone listening, and if youve ever felt nudged to get involved with Foster-carethis conversation might be just what you need to take the next step of faith in that direction! Find show notes and listen at:
General podcast page:http://www.monicaswanson.com/podcast
Looking for a Bible-based math or science homeschool curriculum? The DIVE/Shormann Math and science is an amazing choice for short-but-thorough lessons through the AP level! My sons used DIVE throughout their high school years and they believe it was the best preparation for their college studies in engineering and data analytics. Shormann Algebra 1&2 prepares kids for everything on the Pre-SAT, SAT, and ACT with over 200 practice questions! Go todiveintomath.comto learn more!
The Monica Swanson Podcast is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. To find practical and spiritual resources to help you grow into the parent you want to be, visitwww.christianparenting.org
Our Sponsors:
* Check out BetterHelp: https://betterhelp.com/SWANSON
* Check out Factor: https://factormeals.com/factorpodcast
Privacy & Opt-Out: https://redcircle.com/privacy
I often encourage women to find a mentor to encourage, challenge, and inspire you in your womanhood journey. Todays guest, Rhonda Stoppe, is someone I consider a virtual mentor, and I am SO excited to share her with you all. (Again! Shes been on the podcast twice before. )
This is a fun episode because Rhonda actually invited ME on to her podcast (Old Ladies Know Stuff isnt that the best podcast title?) to talk about an article I wrote called 7 Attitudes that Will Sabotage Your Marriage, and 7 to Replace them With. I knew this would be such a great chat, and I also trusted that Rhonda would contribute from her wisdom and experience, so I suggested we share it to both of our podcast audiences. So we did!
In this chat, Rhonda and I walk through the 7 attitudes from my article, sharing from Scripture and our experiences. Rhonda gives some firm words of advice (I LOVE it when she does that) and we end in prayer. I hope you can feel like you are truly sitting with two older ladies (haha) as we encourage and exhort you in your marriage, parenting, and faith! Lets goo!
Find show notes at: http://www.monicaswanson.com/marriage-attitudes
ALSO: Dont miss my brand new online MARRIAGE BUILDER BUNDLE which is half-price for the month of February only, using CODE: LOVE at checkout! Click HERE to link to the bundle!
General podcast page:http://www.monicaswanson.com/podcast
Looking for a Bible-based math or science homeschool curriculum? The DIVE/Shormann Math and science is an amazing choice for short-but-thorough lessons through the AP level! My sons used DIVE throughout their high school years and they believe it was the best preparation for their college studies in engineering and data analytics. Shormann Algebra 1&2 prepares kids for everything on the Pre-SAT, SAT, and ACT with over 200 practice questions! Go todiveintomath.comto learn more!
The Monica Swanson Podcast is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. To find practical and spiritual resources to help you grow into the parent you want to be, visitwww.christianparenting.org
Our Sponsors:
* Check out BetterHelp: https://betterhelp.com/SWANSON
Privacy & Opt-Out: https://redcircle.com/privacy
*I am re-sharing this episode with JP Pokluda as it was a favorite on the podcast and it is a perfect fit for my Feb. 2025 series on all things Love and Marriage! Hope you enjoy!
Dating has never been simple (who remembers?!) but today it is more complicated than ever. The world offers all kinds of mixed messages to young adults and teenagers and our Christian culture isnt giving a lot of alternatives. In such crazy times our kids need a voice of reason and a lot of Biblical wisdom to help them navigate.
Pastor Jonathan JP Pokluda is the voice we all need and one that young people actually like to listen to. In todays conversation JP and I are drawing from his book, Outdated which has become my own sons' favorite book on the topic of dating and relationships. JP offers wisdom, humor, and a ton of common sense on the topic of dating. He is tuned into our current culture yet remains biblically grounded. I think youll find this conversation inspiring and refreshing.
This conversation will be helpful for all of us parents as we coach and encourage our kids through relationships and prepare them for a lasting marriage one day. Find show notes and links at:
General podcast page: www.monicaswanson.com/podcast
The Monica Swanson Podcast is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. To find practical and spiritual resources to help you grow into the parent you want to be, visit www.christianparenting.org
Our Sponsors:* Check out BetterHelp: https://betterhelp.com/SWANSON
* Check out Factor: https://factormeals.com/swanson50off
Privacy & Opt-Out: https://redcircle.com/privacy
We continue this February series talking about all things love and marriage by talking parenting on the topic of dating. My husband, Dave, joins me to share Biblical perspectives and how we handled the topic of dating from the time our boys were young.
Note: Dave and I spoke as a married couple, to married couples. We did not mean to leave out single parents (we love you!) so we hope you are able to apply the biblical principles we share to your parenting as well. Find more on this topic in my book, Boy Mom, and also in Raising Amazing.
Post-production note: Dave mis-spoke, and referring to the 10 Commandments said "Do not divorce" when he meant to say "do not commit adultery." (Woops!)
Gods mercy and grace is always abundant and everyones story will be unique, but I do hope this conversation encourages and inspires you as you raise your kids (and build your marriage!) Be sure to find links to all the things we chatted about in show notes:
Also, be sure to check out our brand new MARRIAGE BUILDER BUNDLE on a half-price sale for the month of February!! Its a small but mighty collection of encouragement, Scripture-based prayers, and a table-chat with Dave and I sharing some of the things that have helped us build our marriage the most! Click HERE for the bundle page and use CODE: LOVE for 50% off now!
Find all show notes:www.monicaswanson.com/podcast
Looking for new science or math homeschool curriculum? All my boys have usedDIVE/Shormann Math for Bible-based, short-but-thorough science and mathlessons, through the AP level! Your kids will love Dr. Shormanns short, well-put-together lessons, and Shormanns Algebra 1 and 2 classes will equip your kids for the PSAT, SAT, and ACT with over 200 practice qustions! Go to diveintomath.com to learn more!
The Monica Swanson Podcast is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. To findpractical and spiritual resources to help you grow into the parent you want to be, visitwww.christianparenting.org
Our Sponsors:
* Check out BetterHelp: https://betterhelp.com/SWANSON
* Check out Factor: https://factormeals.com/swanson50off
Privacy & Opt-Out: https://redcircle.com/privacy
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